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27 year old Female
Last online 2年以上 ago
well someone went all Ad garen against my tank garen and GOT OWNED XD he then needed ganks from the jg to beat me jg basically babysat my lane i will try him out though ^^; idk when though cause i always regret clicking solo on summoners rift
Gah...then you never accepted my request. Sad day.
Also, garen fun as a top-lane fighter? True. But I took him into into ranked as a mid-laner as a counter to Veigar. Started tower diving at level 2 and never looked back.
What like attack damage garen? Rather than building tank? Never played AD garen before
azumakazuma @azumakazuma Build swiftness boots and 5 infinity edges. Trust.
Ha! Nice try. I'm already on your friends list. One of my accounts anyway. IGN: Slapmasta J I'm at work on lunch break. Can't play until tonight or this weekend.
Im still not that good with her like i own so hard in the beginning when i build up attack speed but i fall off late game cause everyone starts roaming and i cant take people head on by myself cause im so squish. i build up attack speed and damage and the only health i have comes from trinity force. Im trying to find a new main XD i dont want to top lane as garen anymore i have been top laning garen since i started playing like legit since the very first day
azumakazuma @azumakazuma Hi-hi. I mained adc for at least a year. This build may be a little outdated, but it will still rock. Try it out. Infinity edge, zerker grieves, Hurricane, rapidfire cannon, mercurial scimitar, Bloodthirster.
azumakazuma @azumakazuma AKA - Don't build triforce on Tristana. If you need health, grab a frozen mallet.
Yeah dude like her w can be used to engage/disengage her q can be used for a faster firing speed even which adds up when you build attack speed on here then her ult can be used to get someone off of you. You can take down a turret with no problem too.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 And yeah sure i guess tomorrow is fine
Jun 24, 16 at 9:55am
It'd be my pleasure:) Jae ha tsundere
Jun 24, 16 at 1:54am
Hello and thank you for the friend request :) I play everything, but I main Viktor.
I accepted XD and yes pls i need a good support. Only so much i can do on my own. Attack speed trist is op when im not the one being targeted XD cause i can take tower all by myself in only one minion wave.