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Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
And it happened again yay!

Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
For some odd reason i changed in a single day because of one person who said something to me and my friends i noticed that im different myself since i want to work do stuf that i never wanted to and my attitude changed suddenly please tell me is that weird . I dont know why but this is the 4th time.

Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
So far, Chainsaw man is my new favourite anime, it gave me the feeling I've been searching for! I'm so glad it came around, waiting for Joy boy, glad bleach is back and Mob Psycho III, things are happening, finnaly I'm glad!

Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Anime debate
One piece storyline vs Aot storyline
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You

Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
commented on
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You
Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Has a heart.
Whats on your mind right now.

Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
commented on
Whats on your mind right now.
Daniel @ushio_aeoutsuki
Rethinking some life choices.