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xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
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xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Hello ^_^ That's a really nice picture with the cherry blossom tree =)

LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
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LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
oh and lol about the name. Yeah Liyana Silverleaf is a character I created years ago for a story and Liyana was used from time to time with my friends whenever they were talking to another friend who has the same name as I. lol.

LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
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LiyanaSilverleaf @liyanasilverleaf
yeah good old toonami...I miss it. Well I just finished watching Trinity Blood and Tsubasa Chronicle OVAs that are subbed since they haven't been brought over yet. They are really good. So is 07 ghost and kuroshitsuji and I'm about half way with Pandora hearts. It's good too