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sim_da_panda @sim_da_panda
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sim_da_panda @sim_da_panda
hair goals AF
I cover my mouth too XD
cat nip o__o

X @kalt
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X @kalt
I would like to play the Soul Calibur right now, but we are having guests right now -.- What video game will you play? c:

X @kalt
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X @kalt
You're welcome~
How are you? :3
I like my men / women like I like my...

Blake @toonlink
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I like my men / women like I like my...
Blake @toonlink
I like my woman like I like my pizza: hot and dripping wet...and with Salami everywhere. xD
What's money mean to you?

Blake @toonlink
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What's money mean to you?
Blake @toonlink
Not much, money gets me food, housing and other essentials, but I enjoy what I do more than the money I get from it