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Konstantinos @tnt47
Konstantinos @tnt47
Damn, its pretty weird being back in here after a decade....
What's for sure is that at this point in my life i'm sorry for a lot of things i've done and the way i treated some people and in the slightest chance those people can see this: I'm sorry, for anything and everything. I'm not the same anymore.

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Hi, it's nice to meet you. ^u^
otaku from Greece?

Konstantinos @tnt47
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otaku from Greece?
Konstantinos @tnt47
I am
The "looking for a relationship" thread

Konstantinos @tnt47
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Konstantinos @tnt47
This really awkward but damn it imma be a man and do it.
Hi my name is Konstantinos or kostas for short
im 21 years old
I live in Greece ( and no im not lazy nor drinking frape 24/7)
and im male
About 180 (i domt know about feet but im pretty tall :p)
I dont want to say excact weight cause my case is a bit odd i will just say that im a big guy
my favorite colour is Black and flureshent Orange
As for hobbies i like playing the electric guitar (not as good as i would like to though) and bass guitar
my main hobbie/outdoor activity is airsoft im a huge fan of it and an airsoft gun collector
I would listen to any kind music except for beaver 1Directum and the rest of that artist wannabes. Main music genre is Heavy Metal and Metalcore with KsE as my favorite band
My pros and cons , the pros i leave to you to decide as for cons its mainly that i have very low self esteem and confindence and pretty much hate my self
I love really short girls :3 but in the end i just want someone who can love me for who i am.
As for anime i will mention only my top 3 as i have the list in my profile 3: Naruto
2: beelzebub 1:Gintama / Bleach
I really hope i can find someone cause ive been alone for too much