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thexploder @thexploder
thexploder @thexploder

Newly Signed onto the site after being recommended by a bunch of peeps. Relatively new so if I just shove out Friend Requests without saying anything it may be the idiot in me trying to suss out the best way to start a messaging chain XD.
Needless to say, HELLO! How are you? Why not drop me a message and let's get to know one another :D
(Insert random picture with me and Outlaw Star because MY GOD THIS SERIES!)
Making My Own Table Top RPG

thexploder @thexploder
Making My Own Table Top RPG
thexploder @thexploder
Hello all!
So since this is the creative writing section I thought this would be the best place to post about this. I am working on my very own Table Top RPG after being a big fan of those games for many years.
The game I am working on is called Ring Warriors and is a Wrestling themed RPG where you can make your wrestler and explore a fantasy wrestling world whilst taking on Champions, claiming belts etc.
Is anyone else out there a fan of Table Top RPGs (D&D, Pathfinder, Mutants & Masterminds etc)? If anyone has any question about the game I am working on then feel free to ask.
This is Me - Hello from the Champ

thexploder @thexploder
commented on
This is Me - Hello from the Champ
thexploder @thexploder
Thanks for the nice welcome guys!