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Last online 約8年 ago
I'm sure they won't if so good things will happen too also remember what ever happens it could always be worse
Sorry I keep falling asleep I'm not doing this on purpose I swear I'm not meaning to be rude or ignoring you I need to try andnlog.of before I go to sleep lol I'm sure it won't happen all the time but bad things are gonna happen it's just part of life
Sep 20, 15 at 2:19am
You wanna know the good news about all that? You're 20. It's a good thing you have an understanding of what you want out of life. It took me until 23 to grasp what I wanted. I still haven't accomplished anything I want but I'm getting there. Before that I had no aspirations. You're working on it and a lot of people your age don't bother. They realize later they wasted what time they had to build a solid foundation and enjoy what youth they have left. Your early 20's aren't all fun and games like everyone seems to think I don't think. It's a time for you to build yourself up for later in life. If you're struggling, you're not alone. Keep at it. You sound like a smart, focused girl.
Yeah its horrible especially when you don't deserve it dear no one necshould have to go through it :3
Sep 19, 15 at 8:17pm
I'm curious. I saw some of your other posts...I know I don't know you too well but what is it you want out of life?
Yeah I completely understand and can relate things will get alot better someday buddy youbwait and see XD
Oh I know see if I just got a heads up of the future maybe things could have been different and I could have been more prepared also the future is scary too
Sep 18, 15 at 10:35pm
I kinda like 'em all. I saw TayZonday there; the chocolate rain guy. A lot of others but I actually spoke with him. My friend is still sort of butthurt but he'll get over it. Yeah, don't worry too much. There's nothing I can't stand more than when a girl can't make words. You're real good at that. Plus you have blue hair. I like that.
Oh I'm sorry to hear that if you ever wanna talk about them I'm just ba message away buddy yeah I know the feeling about playing it by ear
I'm sure it will be buddy XD your awesome and good things happen to awesome people
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