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thenonstophero @thenonstophero
thenonstophero @thenonstophero
Great honestly just working a lot. Still wasting tons of money on cars and motorcycles. hbu?

mizuki920 @mizuki920
mizuki920 @mizuki920
I’ve been good how have you been? I’ve seen you at Round1 a few times
Hi folks

thenonstophero @thenonstophero
Hi folks
thenonstophero @thenonstophero
Hey maiotaku, I'm bad at introductions so I'll keep it short. Found this place while looking for networking sites for otaku and figured I'd visit for a bit. Don't let the pics fool you; when not at the track I'm either at local cons or binge watching anime. And while I may be a bit of an old dog around here I'm hoping I can make friends.