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bryan0203 @bryan0203
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bryan0203 @bryan0203
Jesus you're gorgeous...

bold412 @bold412
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bold412 @bold412
So is there anything you can tell me about cosplaying that would be helpful? I'm trying to get more into it but want any advice someone experienced in it could possibly give. :/

chris95 @chris95
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chris95 @chris95
Hey there, how's it going you're really cute and everything so I was wondering if you want to talk. I know it cheesy or cliche to say that but oh well :) I know I don't have a pic so i'm going to try to put one up today
Anime that made you cry.

the_kingdom_of @the_kingdom_of
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Anime that made you cry.
the_kingdom_of @the_kingdom_of
Plastic Memories made me cry. Even though I knew what was going to happen in the end, it still hit me.