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zeezeebday @zeezeebday
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zeezeebday @zeezeebday
hiya, you seem pretty awesome, wanna chat?

zerodarkangel @zerodarkangel
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zerodarkangel @zerodarkangel
Welcome to MO. Or maiotaku. You are from the UK right?

taktofu @taktofu
taktofu @taktofu
It's not letting me reply to anyone privately for some reason sorry! I'm not ignoring anyone!

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g If you can't reply like this. Then just post a reply on their wall. That's how most do it.

taktofu @taktofu
taktofu @taktofu
I'm Nancy
I love cosplaying, watching anime and video games. I started a YouTube channel but haven't kept it up to date.
I have some excess baggage and recently got dumped because of it (yay depression) but other than that I'm pretty chill.
Hopefully going to london comic con in October if I can get the money.
The "looking for a relationship" thread

taktofu @taktofu
commented on
The "looking for a relationship" thread
taktofu @taktofu
Is anyone here in the UK..? I'm not looking for long distance as I've tried it before.