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Operator863 @operator863
left a comment for
Poisoned Ramune
Operator863 @operator863
Hi, I know you haven't been on for a while but I thought i'd try anyways. You seem like an interesting persona nd we share some commanlities. Some I have not listed on my profile. If you get this, maybe we could chat sometime?

Faelar @faelar
left a comment for
Poisoned Ramune
Faelar @faelar
Hello, I am sorry to hear about your painful past and I really hope that you will find that special someone to help and hold you through these tough times. Anyway on a brighter note, I love Purple and Crimson as long as they are both dark in shade. I think visual Kei is amazing and it takes someone special to pull it off, which I think you could. I hope to speak with you and maybe get to know each other. Bye for now, Sayonara.

Dimitri @dimitri
left a comment for
Poisoned Ramune
Dimitri @dimitri
Omg...Absolute Obedience...I love that game since I'm a historic buff ;3