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Neverland @dakoya
left a comment for
syrex :>
Neverland @dakoya

mist21 @mist21
left a comment for
syrex :>
mist21 @mist21
Hello, this is the same person you were looking for in the past, I have create another account and I have read your message through email notification, we can settle the problem in pm.

Neverland @dakoya
left a comment for
syrex :>
Neverland @dakoya
I haven't seen too many tedtalks in a while. Now that I'm free from school and working full time, I find that I lack time for hobbies or the like. Maybe it's because of the 1 hour commutes ~_~.
Friendly's Discord

syrex :> @syrex
commented on
Friendly's Discord
syrex :> @syrex
What Time Is It Where You Are?

syrex :> @syrex
commented on
What Time Is It Where You Are?
syrex :> @syrex
10:24 PM (UTC+6)