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marcopolouwu @marcopolouwu
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marcopolouwu @marcopolouwu
YAr YEet Hit me Up my Dude

emilyb2231 @emilyb2231
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emilyb2231 @emilyb2231
No problem, I havent been here very long. I'm trying my best to make some friends ^^
How long have you been single or taken

swordsmankirito @swordsmankirito
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How long have you been single or taken
swordsmankirito @swordsmankirito
I been single for about 4 months now. We were kinda long distance and both really busy. About a week after we broke up she went off to Oregon and then ended up dating some new dude. Everyone in my town is rednecks and the only other 2 people that are otaku are lesbians. PlS SenD H3lP
The "looking for a relationship" thread

swordsmankirito @swordsmankirito
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
swordsmankirito @swordsmankirito
Hello My name is Joe Slattery. I am a 15 year old boy and an otaku. I am a little bit taller than 5 foot 1 and weigh about 104 or more pounds. I love all anime and video games. I love making props and cosplays. I am interested in a girl around the same age (15-16 years old.) I do not care if you are pan or bi sexual. I am also probably going to have a long distance relationship because I live in Wisconsin so if you do want to hang we can do google hangouts or talk through here or facebook. After I graduate I plan on joining the National Guard and during my deployment I hope to get stationed in Japan. If you are interested pm me, friend me, send me your facebook and we can talk and hangout. As far as media preferences go, I'm open to new things. Hope to hear from y'all soon! :D
Edit: I know I might come of as rude but I am looking for a girl that is of average build. I know people have different body types and standards and I am just not into heavier girls/women. I also want to point out I have 2 pet ball pythons.