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littlechibi93 @littlechibi93
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Your Friend
littlechibi93 @littlechibi93
That's really my face lol just weird lighting

scittykatt @scittykatt
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Your Friend
scittykatt @scittykatt
Hi, doing ok. I'm buried in snow up to my waist, but other than that, good. How about you?

Khaos Cosplay @crazichaos
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Khaos Cosplay @crazichaos
hello c:
UK Oxford City

Your Friend @sventar
UK Oxford City
Your Friend @sventar
Anyone living in Oxford please do contact me.
That would make me happy. If i am happy , i will not need to kill my roommate Nick.
What do guys look for in a girl?

Your Friend @sventar
commented on
What do guys look for in a girl?
Your Friend @sventar
I would say looks first and then whats inside such as your organs.