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nonsmoking @nonsmoking
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nonsmoking @nonsmoking
hi, just hoping to extend the hand of friendship ^_^ name's david!

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
hiya. owait. 7 months inactive. 0.0

sakaime @sakaime
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sakaime @sakaime
hello im new to the site and was looking around for people in my state and your profile poped i hope to talk to you more..
Northeast Florida/Southeast Georgia

Sucre @sucre
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Northeast Florida/Southeast Georgia
Sucre @sucre
HI! There is absolutely nothing going on..except there's Metrocon and EXPcon? I think..those are the only cons in the area.
Omg..-squee- another Floridian cosplayer..I am not alone..

Sucre @sucre
Sucre @sucre
Hellooo, I'm Sucre, Mana, or Manda - whichever you prefer. I've just found out about this website and I'm super excited. I guess you can call me a hopeless romantic but I'm simply a girl looking for her partner. To be, cosplaying a pair is the most romantic thing ever. So pretty much this Trish is looking for her Dante~
I'm also looking for friends in Florida. I've moved here about 2 years ago and still live a pretty anti-social life. I'm really hoping to change that :/