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MooWgle @moowgle
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MooWgle @moowgle
I know you in real life!!!
Anyways, sorry I've been so distant, work and crud. <_<
IM'ing me on Facebook for chats is PROLLY the best means of socializing with Gio. :D
Checking business/work emails and Facebook kind of goes hand-in-hand with me.

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
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Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Lmao! I accept I accept!
And I'm not that far. Only like 4hrs. Or 3 1/2 depending on how fast you drive lol.

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
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Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Hey fellow nerd! What's up?
Florida anyone?

stephen_escobedo001 @stephen_escobedo001
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Florida anyone?
stephen_escobedo001 @stephen_escobedo001
Good Evening Floridians
Come One, Come All! Skype Group!

stephen_escobedo001 @stephen_escobedo001
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Come One, Come All! Skype Group!
stephen_escobedo001 @stephen_escobedo001
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Staff. Aug 20-22
Staff. Aug 19-21
May 25-27
Staff. Aug 17-19