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39 year old Male
Last online 約1年 ago
well im not bi but you can call me "willing" it be nice to complete a guy's fantasy for once then being against it .i wanna try atleast lol :)
Jul 24, 13 at 2:13pm
Yeah, it is expensive. lol sure! why not? Though I suppose that depends on how high it is lol Making millions would be great ^^ If only... Ah~ Yeah, most of my poetry doesn't rhyme. I actually still have a year left of high school (unfortunately). I was overseas for a year so I had to repeat that year. But that I am going to college. Do you like your job? And what do you do to soul search?
Jul 24, 13 at 1:59pm
Yeah, I read most of my stuff online ^^ That would probably look cool ^^ I've seen people do that before and I'm always jealous lol :D Oh, I see. So you've been to a lot of different places, I assume. Yeah, there is a lot of running in soccer. See, I don't like running, but if your running for a purpose, I'm fine with it lol But to just go out and run for a mile or two... no thanks. I also sing ^^ But I don't rap lol That would probably be... way too weird coming from me lol and awful XD I write poetry as well as do art, but I don't really write lyrics. Yep, I'm in school. What are you planning on doing for your vacation?
Jul 24, 13 at 11:19am
I keep track of all the manga I read on a list ^^ I've read over 600 titles lol :D Nice ^^ I don't own much in the way of manga or anime, though I actually own more anime (but more like movies). If I buy a book, I donate it to the library after I read it for more people to enjoy :) Yep, the Dells is a popular spot ^^ And thank you :3 Where are you originally from, then? And yeah, i know ^^ My cousin just married a guy from MN and there were a bunch of jokes made about it lol I like Tennis, Soccer, Gymnastics, and Figure Skating lol to watch, that is. I like playing Badminton and I'm in Golf ^^ I used to be in soccer, though. I'm also very interested in music and play multiple instruments. I'm also big into art. I replicate photographs with charcoal or graphite (mainly charcoal now, though). I'm also extremely involved in everything :D I love playing chess, too ^^ So does that all make me a hybrid as well? lol :D
yup :p im willing to try with girls on love too i kissed so many girls before i kissed my first guy in my senior year in high school lol so im willing to ready try to open up to all possiblies even a threesome lol maybe...lol i thought about it and thought sure why not?:p gotta be optimistic :)
of course!their a rainbow behind every storm! I on the other hand gotta keep telling myself that lol ehh gotta be positive :D
im stress this site does not work the images arent correct and it a big hassle to reply to anybody and i got some people on my list to reply too but i cant very well with this type of flip phone :p kinda stressful..when u cant talk to people or say hi to people u love over here or miss dearly....
Jul 23, 13 at 11:57pm
I've never heard of Kenichi. Ah, I've come across a couple of different people from MN and a couple from Wisconsin as well. Actually, more like 5 or so people from Wisconsin. Yes, those are the areas for most of them to be from :) And yep ^^ My eyes are Hazel :) They like to be a murky green most of the time lol :) Well, yes, I suppose I am a born Packers fan, though I'm not a huge fan of football.
Jul 23, 13 at 10:51pm
Yes, it would be ^^ lol I've read Rosario + Vampire, its very entertaining ^^ But yes, not all that serious lol I've had the pleasure of coming across quite a few in comparison to what I thought were out there. There are a bunch more from other places, though, which isn't all that surprising.
Jul 23, 13 at 12:07am
Why thank you! I know, I was gone longer than I wanted to be. Been really busy which was kind of my own fault. Hahaha.