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39 year old Male
Last online 約1年 ago
Jul 22, 13 at 10:52pm
I'll keep that in mind. Darth Maul is pretty awesome. Return of the Jedi was my favorite though.
Jul 22, 13 at 10:08pm
Hi Nick ^^ I'm great :) And you? And what IS your actual age? lol Because I can safely assume your not 112 :P
ZGO @zgo left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Jul 22, 13 at 6:18pm
Well you can see most all the anime I list in my list.
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Jul 22, 13 at 4:03pm
Hi there. Nice to meet you Nick. Name's Diana. Yeah. You probably have more Anime than I do. I began buying DVDs only because I couldn't watch 'em on TV but now that I have me some great internet access, I watch them online. Lol. Though I haven't had much time for Anime lately. As for Manga, yeah... I got lots. And Gantz is my favorite. Haven't had a chance to finish the manga yet. And I refuse to read it online.
ZGO @zgo left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Jul 22, 13 at 3:09am
Oh yeah. I haven't gotten around to learning the navigation on this site. It's actually rather difficult to navigate :( It could use some changes.
I'm sure theres some cool conventions in the states too, I've just never ventured that far yet. I pretty much like all kinds of music tbh.
I joined to make some friends ^.^ There are some otakus around here (: We have some pretty cool conventions around here too!
I'm good. My name is Amy I didn't quite catch your name LOL.
i am good and i am sorry
Jul 17, 13 at 11:39pm
I saw the Hobbit in theaters too. I was a little disappointed in it though. That's a handsome list of movies you've got there. I had almost forgotten about Inception. So the question is, which of the Star Wars movies is your favorite?