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Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku
You are even older than me now!Welcome to the old men&women club, or rather Sennin/仙人 club~

xxx @__removed_leilum
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xxx @__removed_leilum
Thank you :)
Last one to post here wins

St_Dantry @st_dantry
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Last one to post here wins
St_Dantry @st_dantry
People have been misunderstanding the title of this thread for so long now. I am 'Last (first name) 'one to post' (Middle names) 'here' (Surname)'
What anime scenes made you cry

St_Dantry @st_dantry
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What anime scenes made you cry
St_Dantry @st_dantry
I cry pretty often, for like anything so its pretty hard to peg down one scene but meruem's death was definetly top 5.