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34 year old Male
Last online 約8時間 ago
Oho! Going for the suave hair over eye look. Suavemente!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Was just trying something for the picture is all. XD The hairstyle kept me warm though, so that was a bonus! And thank you!
Maybe there is a part of your routine where you are more often passing by where some good chicken is being sold. In my case, Monday is often a grocery shopping day and there is a good Chinese restaraunt near by I am not always stopping in, but I keep wanting some after I go back home. So I am always feeling like I want lo mein on Mondays even if I don't go out.
Why do I always want chicken on Wednesday or Thursday?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't go out much and my family doesn't get to eat chicken much either XD. But maybe it's a subconscious reaction to something in my childhood, maybe my family and I tended to have chicken on Wednesday or Thursday?
Woo boy. I am so tired. My three jobs have been kicking my butt lately. But the next few days should be OK. Will get to have lunch with a friend on Saturday, should get my new parts & decals for my new golf cart soon and finishing up season 6 of My Hero Academia. What is everyone else doing this weekend?
Natural selection vs intelligent design.
Ah! Sunday is here. Time to consume unhealthy amounts of dark roast coffee and get sunburned digging out weeds at home. ♡
I am so excited to play the fan game Masks of Power. ♡ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2I5DR89qXdg
Apr 27, 24 at 4:38am
1. Kratos 2. Crabs 3. Right now! 4. The Beach 5. Dance time! 6. No reason why not! It's God of War Crab Rave, baby!!!
Nonsense questions: 1. Who? 2. What? 3. When? 4. Where? 5. Why? 6. Why not?
1. My favorite noodle Dish is beef lo mein. ♡ 2. I like the sound of Scottish and Irish accents. Probably due to a good chunk of my ancestry being from there. 3. I have a friend all the way in Hong Kong I've known for a few years. 4. I have not made my own soap. If I did try, I like usi g goat milk soap. :3 5. I would slowly put down my picnic basket and walk away. Then while it is eating and distracted, sneak back around and take it out with a double suplex.
1. What kind of noodles are your favorite?- Spicy 2. Do you have a favorite accent?- I can never choose. I think I love them all 3. Which of your friends (in general) is from the furthest away from you? (Like living in Cali you have a friend all the way in Gajurat, India)- I have a friend that lives in India 4. Have you ever made your own soap?- No. But it would be fun to do so one day 5. If you were walking in the woods and came across a black bear, what would you do?- Stay quiet if it's just passing by and try and seem bigger if it is taking an interest in me
Premium Upgrade
Jul 23-25