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squiggly @squiggly
squiggly @squiggly
So many women say they want a guy that doesn't play games, -hugs ps4- but thats all i do ;-;

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Hey man whats up :D

squiggly @squiggly
squiggly @squiggly
Some people see a glass half full, others see a glass half empty, me? I just pour out the glasses and pretend they're binoculars .-.
Skype Group ^_^

squiggly @squiggly
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Skype Group ^_^
squiggly @squiggly
Figure I'd drop mine here, although I'm not sure when the next time I'll be on will be
Thanks :3
SacAnime 2017

squiggly @squiggly
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SacAnime 2017
squiggly @squiggly
I happen to live pretty close by so i'll be going for all three days, but i'm always looking for people to meet up with or just bump into :p