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milkbath @milkbath left a comment for Sonic
Oct 14, 15 at 11:44am
did you hear that Koe no Katachi is getting turned into a movie? my hype levels are dangerously high right now.
I just downloaded Shitai wo Arau, I like watching crazy stuff.
displaynamehere @purefault left a comment for Sonic
Oct 12, 15 at 1:27am
Ahh that sucks... your save file kept getting deleted too? I took a slight break from FE since I'm back on Pokemon for awhile, but I'll be getting back to Shadow Dragon and Path of Radiance soon. I'd like to eventually put that much work into building a specific team with specific skills, but I'll probably just wait for the next FE game (although my first playthrough will be more of just me feeling it out and using which characters I like). By the way, sorry for the long delay... I forget about this site a lot. Any chance you'd wanna kept in touch another way? I don't know if I'll be checking this site as much anymore =/
The Andromeda Strain was good. That was technically his first book, as he had written some other lesser known books under a pen name. My favorite book by him (and perhaps just my favorite book in general) is Jurassic Park. Of course, it's also one of my favorite movies by my favorite director (Steven Spielberg) and music composer (John Williams) but I suppose that's a discussion for another time. It's the only book I've read twice. One of my other favorites, Sphere, is the only book I've finished in less than three days. I love Stephen King, but I actually haven't read many of his books. Probably only a handful. One surprising thing about the way he writes is that he can get very poetic in his descriptions. His stereotype is that he just writes horror and gore, but that's so far off from what he is as a writer. Lisey's Story is a perfect example of his talent with words. And his books Rita Hayworth and The Body (better known by their movie adaptations: Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me) are essentially all one needs to know King is much more than a horror writer. I'm aware of how good Khaled Hosseini is. I haven't read his books because I just simply don't read novels anymore. However, I'm certainly familiar with his reputation... after all, I did give my mom The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns for Mother's Day a few years ago. XD As for manhwa and webtoons... I had to google them, so that admittance probably gives you some insight to my time spent reading them. You know the phase you mentioned you're in? Where you're spending more time on video games than reading? Well, that happened to me looooong ago, thus comicbooks, novels, prose, poetry, manga, and anything related were left in the back seat, and I never can find the time anymore to check the rear view mirror.
displaynamehere @purefault left a comment for Sonic
Sep 05, 15 at 5:20pm
Oh, it's good you're feeling better =/ Oh, you can transfer files? That's pretty cool. Once I go get my GC or get my own Wii, I'll be playing PoR again. Started Shadow Dragon this past week. Got through the prologue stuff, and I'm at chapter 5 now. Have you played any of the Metal Gear games? I actually barely ever have, although I got Metal Gear Solid awhile back for super cheap and plan to play it eventually. Do you already have a PS4? Haha... no judgement. Do you have certain setups for passing down specific skills to children? Or do you play it differently each time? I feel like Galeforce would be really necessary for anything past hard mode.
Silver @silverrededge left a comment for Sonic
Sep 04, 15 at 1:42pm
thank you for the request.
So I could kinda refer to you as a practitioner of bibliophilia? I hope you take that as a sentiment of endearment, because that's my intention. I read comic books as a kid, then went through a phase of reading novels, which essentially consisted of just Michael Crichton and Stephen King. Then I got into prose and poetry, primarily Poe (of course) and Charles Baudelaire. Then basically dropped all that in favor of anime on a consistant basis. Btw, I had finished GTO a little while ago, but I kept forgetting to mention that to you. So, uh, I finished GTO. I'd give it an 8/10. It was different from what I thought it would be like. I imagined it was based more in the classroom, and the impact that Onizuka made on his students was more along traditional teacher/student methods. I certainly did not expect it to have a more... extracurricular... tone to it. I mean, certain "lessons" actually put student's lives in danger, such as driving his motorcycle off the bridge. The last two episodes were a little "out there." Once I got to those episodes, I remembered you mentioning that they weren't that good, or something similar. It was entertaining overall, but fell short of the praise I always heard about it.
displaynamehere @purefault left a comment for Sonic
Aug 28, 15 at 9:12pm
Sorry for the late response... just finished moving last week, and I started going back to school full-time this week. Oh nice. I wanna do another play-through, but I'm still playing my original save file for now. haha. I'm also Gamecube-less/Wii-less for awhile, so I can't play Path Of Radiance right now, but I'll be getting back to it soon (I was borrowing a Wii from a friend, and once I get around to buying my own, I won't need my GC anymore which is back at my old place still). How far are you in Lunatic? And yeah, for the first half, I felt the story was kinda run-of-the-mill, but I liked the characters, and the gameplay is what really kept me going. I'm really looking forward to Fates...
Arc @arc left a comment for Sonic
Aug 24, 15 at 11:05pm
I actually didn't like vocaloid music at first, but I eventually came across a vocaloid song I loved, and then another, and then another. The great thing about vocaloid music is like you said, it can be about pretty much anything. I can tell you are a little voca-curious, so if you want I can make a good song suggestion or two to convert you :P As far as the type of games I make, they are all story based. I posted a play-through of one of the games I made in college so you kind of know my writing style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NjnmMkeDXk I'm just happy that hundreds of people played my game :) As far as the girl in my new project, yeah, I'm doing her in live 2D. She will be 2D animated when she is interacting with the player. I also want to use a new function of live 2D and translate that same image into a 3D model I can have run around in the Unity game engine. My ultimate goal in game design is to make a game where an AI character can interact with a human and truly grow and develop in a way that an actual human would, in a way that even I couldn't predict. Maybe something that can pass the Turing test. What about you? Do you have some ultimate goal that you would like to reach after getting your degree?
Embrace the 96 episodes! (ಠ⌣ಠ) We all gotta unwind after a day of filling our minds and having stress build up. For me, sometimes the silence that accompanies reading causes my mind to wander, and I start thinking about what happened that day. Then I get sidetracked. Then I realize an hour has passed, and I've made no progress with what I was intending to read. However, anime, with its colored imagery, sounds, and music, tends to occupy the vacancy more efficiently. Of course, it takes the right anime series though. Maison Ikkoku was able to do that for me. It was a way to make the transition from a day of movement to a nighttime of sleep. I thought the last shot with Nakai showed him hitting the road with a bag of his belongings, hobo-sytle. That's why I get the impression he's soul searching somewhere. Perhaps I'm thinking of a different anime... It's been a long time since I've seen Bakuman, so it's certainly possible that I'm confusing Nakai's "finale" with something else. I would have liked to see an epilogue, even just some simple montage. Thinking about some of my favorite series in that genre, I have the same feelings with them all. I guess it's just the nature of slice of life. It's difficult to say where the end should be. After all, life goes on. #deep