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kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
Sweet, thanks! I'll get back to you after I finish it!

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
Please and thank you in advance! ^^

kaizu™ @finecanine But it doesn't spoil too far in Hero Aca right? I'm still behind (just started season 2 -.-')

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
Nooo Deku can't go Dark!! Dx At least it sounds like they took an "original" route with the story. Not that any crossovers are usually "original" lol.
MaiOtaku Inktober 2017 (Post your Art)

smuirpunk89 @smuirpunk89
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MaiOtaku Inktober 2017 (Post your Art)
smuirpunk89 @smuirpunk89
That’s really cute