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WayCuOtaku @waycuotaku
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WayCuOtaku @waycuotaku
Hi there. A greeting your way from one Canadian Otaku to another. (that would be you) Up for some conversation?

thatguytony @thatguytony
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thatguytony @thatguytony
Thanks for the add

Flaederururuh. @sureyoureken
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Flaederururuh. @sureyoureken
What sort of events made you find this site? I reckon that it can be quite difficult. Maybe it required you to go by seemingly random choices. Like perhaps a transport of which the destination is not set. Maybe a train. Going aaaaanywheeeeeere.
I hope you got that reference lol, otherwise this entire comment's just weird : /
Truth or Dare

smalltowngirl @smalltowngirl
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Truth or Dare
smalltowngirl @smalltowngirl
Truth or Dare

smalltowngirl @smalltowngirl
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Truth or Dare
smalltowngirl @smalltowngirl
Robot chicken and Rick and Morty!