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slendergirlrlkillerrose @slendergirlrose
slendergirlrlkillerrose @slendergirlrose
its so dumb an fucked how some are saying its all fake an acting like wtf
Political rants

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
Political rants
Ghost @kuharido
On social media I been encountering a lot of accounts spouting the Putin propaganda of Ukrainian war crimes and that the Russians are liberators. News sources have mentioned this and that there are propaganda accounts popping up. I wonder if some I debated with were actually a Russian propaganda team. Hopefully I am doing my part annoying them with logic.

slendergirlrlkillerrose @slendergirlrose
slendergirlrlkillerrose @slendergirlrose
i really hate being lonely

slendergirlrlkillerrose @slendergirlrose
slendergirlrlkillerrose @slendergirlrose
Ghost @kuharido yea subliminals have helpd me first one i making is heal from trauma of trans hate/mtf/feminine face