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sixdotsix @sixdotsix
sixdotsix @sixdotsix
i still can't believe we're gonna get the infinity train arc in a movie. to think about how much filler content we're gonna get.... ufotable really heard my cries and was like "we gotchu fam"

sixdotsix @sixdotsix
sixdotsix @sixdotsix
Just heard what happened at Kyoto Animations. It's horrific how someone could do something like that to people who have brought so much joy to other people.

sixdotsix @sixdotsix
sixdotsix @sixdotsix
haha anyway i think i'm now traumatized for life
What Are You Watching Right Now?

sixdotsix @sixdotsix
commented on
What Are You Watching Right Now?
sixdotsix @sixdotsix
Just started Durara!! and I'm just rewatching old Buzzfeed Unsolved episodes while waiting for the new ones :P
Songs you cannot stand hearing

sixdotsix @sixdotsix
commented on
Songs you cannot stand hearing
sixdotsix @sixdotsix
most original song by youtubers because... well, few of them actually know how to sing- or to make music.