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Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Retired my old costumes but wanna do a Strider Hiryuu.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Oissu~! I do love cosplay. I just have not done it for a while.

otakuredneck @otakuredneck
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otakuredneck @otakuredneck
well like to be a cop when I get out of school.
I like to work out, do karate, work on old cars and trucks when I get the time.
what hobbies you have?

siwyenbast @siwyenbast
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siwyenbast @siwyenbast
I do believe in the unseen world. I'm not gonna go into much detail until later, as I'm extremely tired and need sleep.
Particle help?

siwyenbast @siwyenbast
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Particle help?
siwyenbast @siwyenbast
^_^; shows ya what happens over winter break for me, I don't have anyone to practice with til the 14th.