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Hi-Polymer Eraser @hipolymereraser
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Hi-Polymer Eraser @hipolymereraser
Welcome, hope to see you at A-kon and enjoy the site.

Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
welcome to the sight.

gundamzero @gundamzero
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gundamzero @gundamzero
Welcome new girl
Anyone from the Texoma area? ^_^

shokuxtoki @shokuxtoki
Anyone from the Texoma area? ^_^
shokuxtoki @shokuxtoki
I'm looking to see if I can meet some people in my local area. I live in Wichita Falls and I know a couple of otaku and am friends with them, but I'd like to get to know some more!! ^_^ Please message me or respond if you are in the area!! XD
A-Kon 2014 in Dallas, Texas!

shokuxtoki @shokuxtoki
commented on
A-Kon 2014 in Dallas, Texas!
shokuxtoki @shokuxtoki
I'm going! ^_^ I'm gonna be dressed as Amethyst from Steven Universe, an OC of mine, and in a kimono that I made myself that's covered in butterflies! Hope to see some of you guys there!