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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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shirovivi @shirovivi OMG! *hugs* You are awesome for this comment!

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 *hugs back* lmao You're just as awesome!

shirovivi @shirovivi Ahaa Thanks!!

shirovivi @shirovivi
shirovivi @shirovivi
I have a fidget spinner. I have anxiety and it actually helps to feel the weight of it and hear it spinning.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 If only you could pay attention to what's in front of you and still hear the fidget spinning.

shirovivi @shirovivi I knoww, at least I can feel the weight while paying attention to whats in front of me

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 There ya go! That's a improvement

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 There ya go! That's a improvement

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 There ya go! That's a improvement
Hey there everyone!!

shirovivi @shirovivi
commented on
Hey there everyone!!
shirovivi @shirovivi
Thank you jakratchet12 <3
Hey there everyone!!

shirovivi @shirovivi
commented on
Hey there everyone!!
shirovivi @shirovivi
Thanks eoca77 <3 I'm still planning the writing on it