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Breaking it down

Shinku @shinku
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Breaking it down
Shinku @shinku
I'm hella young so maybe not too much help but;
1) When thinking of a long term relationship, you should probably focus on the present more, the future is something that's undecided, don't throw it aside, but don't make it your primary focus.
2) I think a break up is something that is normal to bode over, as if you were that emotionally attached to the person it's natural to be saddened. I'd use that sorrow to move on and improve myself.
3) I never actively seek out a person as that has always felt a bit faux to me, but if I find someone and genuinely find myself attached to them, I'll play every card in my hand to get the goal I want.
Last one to post here wins

Shinku @shinku
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Shinku @shinku
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