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mikhail737 @mikhail737
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mikhail737 @mikhail737
Hiya! Hn, hope that you're enjoying it here. People are pretty nice. x3
Aha, kinda I guess. I really don't have too many pictures of myself. Those ones were the only halfway decent ones that I liked, despite my expressions. xD
Niice. How is Kentucky for you? Is it going good? Where're ya from originally? I myself have lived in South Dakota my entire life. I should probably get out sometime. Haha. Naw, that's okay. Friends over internet are awesome anyway.
Aww, thanks. I really enjoy drawing, but I unfortunately hit huge art blocks. :/ Naww, it's okay. Everybody's got something. x3 That's cool, writing is fun. ^w^
Yay babbling! It's so fun to read people babble. Lol.

ShadeDrake @shadedrake
ShadeDrake @shadedrake
Hello!! I saw your pictures and your neko very kawaii! ^_^
I too may write a book someday once I get motivated lol I'm sure we'll be good friends on here! I'll keep in touch as much as possible!

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
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sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
Hello ^-^
Zodiacs in relationships. <3

ShadeDrake @shadedrake
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Zodiacs in relationships. <3
ShadeDrake @shadedrake
Virgo Tiger Rawr lol