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Luki @luki
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Luki @luki
Well, that much I could see.. Children's books maybe? xD
I'm only decent when it comes to drawing, but my lack of patience is the biggest thing holding me back. It's probably why I'm so amazed you have the will power to animate! I can barely get through a single drawing without getting irritable. xD

Luki @luki
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Luki @luki
I'd imagine. I wish you all the luck, like seriously! 0.0; I know I could never have the patience for animation.. Heck, that alone has to be a skill in itself!

Luki @luki
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Luki @luki
Hooray! The best plots are the controversial plots. Ones that get the audience thinking--- and mad in some cases. xD The best. Well, it's sounding pretty interesting so far!
2 weird 4 da normal girls and weirder den da weird girls LOL ;D

Sephiroth @sephiroth777
2 weird 4 da normal girls and weirder den da weird girls LOL ;D
Sephiroth @sephiroth777
da title speaks 4 it's self lol
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Sephiroth @sephiroth777
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Sephiroth @sephiroth777
Dis is a nice site and all and der r a few regulars but it's still to dead for me oh well lol, guess i just work on ma graphic design and animation thx 2 ma aunt i got a few connect i imma do ma animation and wait 2 blow up lol ;D