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justsomeone @justsomeone
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justsomeone @justsomeone
Hey, welcome to the site~!

Heaven Smeelink @heaven_smeelink
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Heaven Smeelink @heaven_smeelink
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Heaven Smeelink @heaven_smeelink
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Heaven Smeelink @heaven_smeelink
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Whats your Job?

sabermiralis @sabermiralis
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Whats your Job?
sabermiralis @sabermiralis
I fix aircraft.

sabermiralis @sabermiralis
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sabermiralis @sabermiralis
Problem with Excalibur is that you have a hard time pulling it out, unless the fabled one has his/her hands around the hilt, and only then, can it's true marvel be unleashed.
(Soul Eater version) No one can withstand being around it. It will insist that you stay for it's 5 hour story time about itself. You will never get anything done with it.
Mjollnir: -when someone grips it-, who shall ever hold this, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.