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callista_neoni @callista_neoni
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callista_neoni @callista_neoni
Thanks for the request :)
Your work lets you watch anime and read managa?? I'm so jealous!

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I agree. It is going to be indicative of how strong Dragon is, and I am predicting that he's going to be beyond a yonko. It's going to be really interesting to see, and fingers crossed that we see him sometime this year.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Oh definitely. He already beat the hell out of Bastille. Lets see what occurs between him and Fujitora.
It's easy to get lost in such a big con. :)
ONE PIECE discussion thread

rotui @rotui
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ONE PIECE discussion thread
rotui @rotui
I liked the Marine ford arc. :P
Tons of important figures of one piece world going at full power.
By the way, I'm not so sure that Luffy would not had powered up as much as he did if Ace did not die.
After Sabaody Luffy was well aware that he could have lost all his crew had Kuma been serious during their fight. Or if Rayleigh did not stop Kizaru.
And at Marineford he witnessed first hand how useless he was in 1vs1 situation against shishibukai and admiral fighting seriously.
But if Ace had survived, he would probably had become luffy's rival to become pirate king. (He had no interest in that but it would most likely had been Whitebeard last wish.)
I guess Oda had already others in mind, like the supernovas of the worst generation.
Anime Expo 2015

rotui @rotui
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Anime Expo 2015
rotui @rotui
Going. :P
I'll try to get a premier badge I guess. xP
Anyone had an idea when they'll be sold ?