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rogue420 @rogue420
rogue420 @rogue420
Saw Thievery Corporation in Berkeley, amazing show! What are some of your favorite musicians that have been in Anime? I love Origa, and Seat Belts, from Bebop, but there are so many amazing songs out there.
otaku girls?

rogue420 @rogue420
commented on
otaku girls?
rogue420 @rogue420
I have often wondered how many times that an amazing loving, mind blowing relationship was missed out on because of the "looks" standard. Be who you are, and don't worry or fear anything, and I guarantee that the girl you are perfect for will be there, but have the balls to go say hi at least, the worst that will happen is you will know one way or the other if she is the right one.
Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences

rogue420 @rogue420
commented on
Kinda afraid about posting this due to past experiences
rogue420 @rogue420
If it feels wrong, then you have your answer. The fact you even posted it, should tell you something. Do what you want to do regardless of what anyone else thinks. I met a girl who was trying to be a guy, was even going to have surgery, her name was Tye, and she was a really cool person. I did not see why she felt she needed to look like a guy but to each their own. Whether you prefer men or women, disfiguring your body never will be the same as loving who you are, inside and out.