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Casual_Otaku @casual_otaku
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Casual_Otaku @casual_otaku
Watamote <3

itachi_dono @itachi_dono
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itachi_dono @itachi_dono
nice anime list you got there. i recommend Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R1 and R2.
You will like it :)

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
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rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Yup, sure was!
Dark souls makes me rage, monster hunter 3 ultimate makes me rage.. in a good way.
It's alright :P
Games were made to last forever!
Anyone studying japanese?

rhianedd @rhianedd
commented on
Anyone studying japanese?
rhianedd @rhianedd
I study Japanese in my free time but I'm a very busy student and I work outside classes so I really struggle with finding sufficient time for things to sink in. I know how to read Hiragana and Katakana, I started on Kanji and I know the whole "kun'yomi, on'yomi" deal but know very few actual Kanji I can recognize and I tend to forget the ones I know when I learn some others =(
Anyone from the Uk? Please =s

rhianedd @rhianedd
commented on
Anyone from the Uk? Please =s
rhianedd @rhianedd
Yaaay another Welshy =3 nice to meet you!