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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
have any coffee today...??

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
adorable *^*
heres something in return

Zaraxion @reus_valdus
Zaraxion @reus_valdus

I Ecchi spam sometimes xD So it's alll good~
Short Story: Valdarakk the Origin Age. And the untold history of the World of Valsea

Zaraxion @reus_valdus
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Short Story: Valdarakk the Origin Age. And the untold history of the World of Valsea
Zaraxion @reus_valdus
(Jus' a li'l something I whipped up, it's got room for improvement. But i think it builds a world and sets up the protagonist's family line as important and having some weight to them. Though I do welcome all opinions to slate, praise, burn or blow my workshaft and offer whatever you can. I don't judge.)
Short Story: Valdarakk the Origin Age. And the untold history of the World of Valsea

Zaraxion @reus_valdus
Short Story: Valdarakk the Origin Age. And the untold history of the World of Valsea
Zaraxion @reus_valdus
Centuries ago there existed a great civilisation, they could tune the world's essence willingly and use it to bring themselves to a higher plane of existence. The people of this world were united and blessed with joy and union, love was free and there were no wars or hatred, no jealousy and anger. there were passion and unity and the world flourished synchronising itself with the planet.
Eventually, they made contact with the core essence of the planet, through this exchange of information the planet did not advance scientifically, but spiritually. they cast aside their grand flying cities, their vehicles and tools, and begin living as one with the planet. But it's at this time the people were split in two. People who sincerely wanted to achieve a better state of consciousness went down to the planet's green verdant surface built a tower in accordance to the world, this tower was called the tower of hope. made as a sign to show those above that it was possible to build something made purely out of thought.
The other half focused instead on elevating consciousness through machines and crystals, trying to harmonise the two. eventually, they achieved success and made contact with something else. something that harboured a malevolent intent towards the planet. This being's name was Valdarakk.
A being from another dimension, devoid of life and death. Valdarakk persuaded the group to build a device that would allow him to enter their dimension.
The other group through shared conscious mind found out Valdarakk's intent and began pleading to the planet for guidance. And so they asked and the planet answered.
The group pleaded as far across the cosmos and probed into every dimension beckoning a call to arms. during this time, the group had successfully built a portal out of their entire continent-sized city, and when they activated it...they realised how terrible a mistake it was.
Valdarakk surged forward his size to large to grasp, he emerged, his form draconic and of black rock and magma, once emerging in full form he anchored himself to this dimension and shattered the portal, causing the destruction of the sacred city. it fell to the ground in fire and steel it's damage unfathomable, it tainted the ocean and damaged the surface. everyone withing the city...perished.
The planet and the remaining few brought their army of angels from the folds of reality and in flooded every god from every timeline and existence. angels of all shapes and sizes blanketed the world with light. hope and salvation filled all and they came to know a new emotion. faith. The angels and gods united on one front and assaulted Valdarakk with weapons of holy might. Valdarakk summoned no army, nor no prophets to spread discord.
Instead, he called out to the gods, he called them false and broken, his spirit shone brighter than angels and rivalled the gods. His being was one filled with sorrow, hatred and pain. He refused to accept someone else killing him. he struck down the angels and his will made even the gods take him seriously. He waged a one-man war scarring the planet. but after millennia of battles, the world could no longer take the strain and began to implode after a strike from the gods to end the conflict.
Valdarakk seeing the gods plan took the blast head on absorbing the damage, the gods could not kill him but instead, he combined his essence with the worlds in order to keep the world whole. The gods triumphant in their victory saw Valdarakk as no more than rubble. the people worshipped the gods having forgotten the ways of old and this worship of the individual gods spread across the world with other religions bring hatred against others.
Soon war erupted and the planet was once again threatened but this time with weapons of nuclear power, robots, bombs and crude machinery. It was here when Valdarakk re-appeared, not in complete form. Valdarakk cleansed the world through the massacre of all religious and ended all traces of these religions. to this day, none know the names of these primal cults and perhaps it is better this way. After brutally reforming the world and severing the technological advancements made by man, Valdarakk returned Man to it's most basic, at a state where it held hope of uniting with the world. for whatever purpose after several centuries, he disappeared suddenly and became the god of a new religion in the eyes of the people.
The crystal dragons faith. This religion swept across the land and swiftly became the one true faith. and the foundations for Ideals. it taught harmony and sacrifice, justice and honour, joy and love. Ideas that people modelled themselves after.
Today it is a fantasy landscape with knights, horses, castles, kingdoms and domains. upon Valdarakk's absence and through the teachings of the faith, people have learned how to reconnect with the world's essence and weave it into a force that rivals armies. Magic. Impossible feats become achievable and with the discovery of magic the religion grows and humanity is starting down the correct paths. though I'm sure trials lie ahead for them...
I will try to guide them as best I can.
I am Zaraxion ren Kazunite. The Last surviving human of the original era where angels fought Valdarakk. I have lived through countless lifetimes as this world's historian, I have mastered every form of combat and adapted with the world while holding true to my duty. I do not know how or why I am still here, I could fade away in the blink of an eye for al;l I know. I want to know why I remain.
I am the only one with all the answers, but at the same time, I have more questions than paper can hold.
I will correct humanities path if needs be. If you are reading this, then either I've let you read this or I'm dead and you have found my home deep in the earth, under the purest moon in a forest of trees made from the light of stars.
This forest of timeless light that lies above me is the only remaining place of the old world. I will protect it all costs. And If you are reading this. and I am not there. Then you should know that I am seeking out Valdarakk. I plan on reviving him for answers. I am about to connect with his mind using my own. I Have confidence I will remain. But the paper will not.
You who are reading this I ask you alone, You can bring change to the world. If I fail it falls to you. you who made it past the toxic monsters of the forest, through the dead mountains of fire and bone, through the caverns of time and the decades of war.
Connect your consciousness to the world, meditate, dream. YOU must do it if I have failed. Each earth is different, but all have a conscious mind. I know you can do it, you just have to try! If humanity is heading down a dark road then the planet will know how to fix the path. I'm running out of ink and I could fade away at any moment. Trust me.
I Zaraxion ren Kazunite, Father of Zackari, Kaliya, Seravis, Lunalia, Vance, Abbadon, Yomi, Lisea, Michael, Jerico, Valencia, Kari and Valdis Kazunite. Original father of the Kazunite line and among the first ones to take to the stars. Hereby Swear that the Kazunite line across all dimensions, to you my children I believe in you. No matter how bleak your world may be you cannot give up hope. You cannot be unjust. You are my children and I have resolute faith in you.
I Hereby swear that I will fight for your existence. No matter your timeline, no matter how you meet your end, and when your time stops. I promise to find you and bring you to my side, your world's end will not be yours. I will find you wherever you are stranded. Sci-fi, Fantasy, school life-When your world ends I will collect you, garbed in black to transport freely among the stars. I will bring you home.
I promise...
I won't fail you.