ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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Ren @ren_amamiya Yoooyooo

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Hello there sir. Perhaps you'd be interested in knowing an amazing fact ?

Ren @ren_amamiya Ohhhh, yes kind sir, I love amazing facts!! Tell me tell me~

frankie @hiretsunaotaku A large percentage of American boomers dodged the draft during the Vietnam War and are interested in sending the youth to Iraq

Ren @ren_amamiya That is... interesting

frankie @hiretsunaotaku According to body size ratio, the barnacle has the largest pp among animals

Ren @ren_amamiya Now that is a fact that I am very interested in. I'll be reborn as a barnacle XD

Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
Share this with Ms. A

Ren @ren_amamiya Yes sir, right away!~

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
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암브로시우스 @ambrosel

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
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암브로시우스 @ambrosel
Omg ooooo:

Ren @ren_amamiya OMG OOOOOOO:

암브로시우스 @ambrosel You're a dedicated weeb being here still xddd

Ren @ren_amamiya Wh, I just lurk around I guess, kind of a fun pastime you might say

암브로시우스 @ambrosel You have an MO gf huh °¬°

Ren @ren_amamiya Yes, that's you basically

암브로시우스 @ambrosel Nice try :c I know it ain't just me

Ren @ren_amamiya Wh, why would I need someone else when I already have you, the perfect waifu?

암브로시우스 @ambrosel o: but we haven't talked for weeks now, I just logged in today

Ren @ren_amamiya What, have you forgotten that we literally talk every day on discord? XD

암브로시우스 @ambrosel o: omg u have a discord gf?!?!?!?

암브로시우스 @ambrosel u cheating hoe!!!!

Ren @ren_amamiya Yes, the discord gf is, also, *you*

Ren @ren_amamiya You're the one and only xdd

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Ren how could you?!! I though we had something special ;-;

Ren @ren_amamiya WE HAVE

암브로시우스 @ambrosel *gasp* EXPLAIN YOURSELF REN

Ren @ren_amamiya She said girlfriend, nothing about a special friendo rawrfael XD

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Dont trust him Ambrosel, hes always like that

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Me too

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 He messed my booty up

Ren @ren_amamiya GOD DAMMIT, HEY GUYS

Ren @ren_amamiya AT LEAST LET ME RUN AWAY QwQ

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Thats what I screamed when you held me down

Ren @ren_amamiya The cops can't get me if I go to another country!!


SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 You and your lawyer took turns on me. How can I trust your lawyer?!

Aka-san @redhawk Ren wtf, you played my ass like Jazz, don't you remember? ;u;

Ren @ren_amamiya Hey guys, I'm going to show up dead now, Amby already started her hunt

Ren @ren_amamiya *You're probably mistaking me, right? RIGHT? QwQ*

ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
This account has been suspended.

Ren @ren_amamiya OWOWOWO???

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio

Ren @ren_amamiya UWUWUWUWUUWUWU <3

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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frankie @hiretsunaotaku
*tips Fedora*

Ren @ren_amamiya hello gentlemen, very cold night isn't? *tips fedora back*

frankie @hiretsunaotaku There's only me. I don't know who else you can see ?

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Yes very cold night it is

Ren @ren_amamiya Uhh I see only you, yes, kind sir

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Phew for a sec I thought you saw my stand

frankie @hiretsunaotaku Since you addressed me as "gentlemen"

Ren @ren_amamiya It's because you're such a gentleman, that you seem to be more than one person

frankie @hiretsunaotaku *tips fedora* I see you can recognize true men of culture

Ren @ren_amamiya Of course, spotting men of culture is my ability.

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Did anyone said "Fedora" ? *tips fedora intensifies*

Ren @ren_amamiya *Burns fedora from tipping too much*

Ren @ren_amamiya
Ren @ren_amamiya
Konosuba movie todaayyyy!!
So excitedd!! :D

Ren @ren_amamiya Came here just to say that, the movie was amazing!!! EXPLOSIOOONN!!!

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
*tips fedora*
hello gentlemen, cold night isn't?

Ren @ren_amamiya *tips fedora*
Hello kind sir, really cold night, wish I had something to warm me up, right? *wink*