Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Raven Kikuhara
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Your a xenosaga fan too xD
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones Yep ;)
passionate_apathy @passonate_apathy
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Raven Kikuhara
passionate_apathy @passonate_apathy
Always thought about going to NashiCon, is it generally good?
Alcor @alcor
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Raven Kikuhara
Alcor @alcor
Yup I'm new here and the reason I knew is because on my list of matches it said we shared an interest in that anime. :)
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones Ah I see
arashi_2 @arashi_2
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Raven Kikuhara
arashi_2 @arashi_2
Hi what's up
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones Hey I'm good you?
Fanimus @fanimus
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Raven Kikuhara
Fanimus @fanimus
It's actually a retelling of an old anime. It came out about 4 years ago. But it is AMAZING. Animation is great, the story is great, and above it all it made me cry.
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones I see hopefully I might watch that!
Fanimus @fanimus
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Raven Kikuhara
Fanimus @fanimus
Have you ever watched Space Battleship Yamato 2199?
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones Nope never heard of it is it an old anime?
Muzan @deadlydestroyah0
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Raven Kikuhara
Muzan @deadlydestroyah0
Hey Raven how are you doing today?
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones I'm good how about you?
Deltryxz @deltryxz
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Raven Kikuhara
Deltryxz @deltryxz
Hey saw you near the top of the matches list for me so thought I'd just pop in and say hi.
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones Ah I see
Fanimus @fanimus
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Raven Kikuhara
Fanimus @fanimus
Oh I mean HAVENT tried different anime.
Fanimus @fanimus
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Raven Kikuhara
Fanimus @fanimus
Doesn't mean I've tried different anime types though. Honestly I have a little experience in most anime genres.
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones Oh
Sep 30-Oct 2
Sep 28-30
Apr 13-14
Sep 26-28