xxx @__removed_alexbaka
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
xxx @__removed_alexbaka
Haha thanks! :D I just came back to the site after a break so very happy to make new friends. Take some more memes :3
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio imagine having real life catgirls/catboysD:
(Formerly) Neka~ @neka
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
(Formerly) Neka~ @neka
XD We'll see, not sure I'd be that famous though (but having 50+ followers with 0 posts shows a probability XP)
BurningHalo @burninghalo
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Well let me know if you're in town. I'll get you a soda and we can watch football
OtakuKnightXCVII @otakuknightxcvii
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
OtakuKnightXCVII @otakuknightxcvii
Yo man! Sorry for the late reply. Things have been so busy for me. How's it been for you? :)
wowicanhtml5bro @wowicanhtml5bro
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
wowicanhtml5bro @wowicanhtml5bro
2 beautiful years of our marriage. happiest guy in love.
(haha thank you)
wowicanhtml5bro @wowicanhtml5bro
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
wowicanhtml5bro @wowicanhtml5bro
You did actually, you just didnt reply to my follow up. xD And she's my wife, not gf lol
Appreciate the welcome again, mate. This website has been great so far; lotta fun. Nice to sit back and talk to people.
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
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Mr. Rogers
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
(Formerly) Neka~ @neka
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
(Formerly) Neka~ @neka
XD I haven't made any posts but it's there XP
lunalee @lunalee
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
lunalee @lunalee
Thank you very much for the welcome!
xxx @__removed_alexbaka
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
xxx @__removed_alexbaka
waddup dude (: