Nagone @nagone
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Nagone @nagone
I love magical girls and most anything by Gainax. My fav. anime is Panty and Stocking w/ Garterbelt :)

mollikia @mollikia
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mollikia @mollikia
Lol, I start my summermester in two weeks. I also detest math.

konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
Are you sure you want to help him?

Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
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Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
-multiple illusion- a strong demon like me needs no allies, especially weak one, i suggest saying quiet or meet a short end grunt -vanish into snow-

zaada @zaada
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zaada @zaada
Yeah i love action anime :3 I love ghost in the shell thats like sci-fi action and i loved black lagoon (^-^) I like buso renkin thats kinda action... I like full metal alchemist.. Im sorry I'll stop rambling >.> Oh agent aika thats got alot of guns :3 and panty shots <.<

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
good job on warning Black Coyote...^_^

Amai42 @amai42
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Amai42 @amai42
Oh thank you! ^^
And if I was were on Bleach, I'd probably be most like Orihime. :) We both have that quality where we are super nice and such. lol :)

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
After you post on her profile..Ill Appear from the shadows. lets double team her right now.

Amai42 @amai42
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Amai42 @amai42
I go between MangaStream.com and MangaHere.com
One usually has it out before the other.. but as of late, MangaStream has seemed a little weird.. I haven't checked if it's been fixed yet though.. :)

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
I appreciate the help. Do you know how to role play ? If so, go to her profile and challenge her to a duel. Tell her that your apart of my clan. While you guys are battling, i will sneak up and destroy her myself. Lets do It....