fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
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fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
Japanese middle aged business man is approached by aliens because the rock music he made in 80's superpowers their ship and they need his music to fight some bad aliens. Wackyness ensues as he tries to get his band back together.

Amai42 @amai42
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Amai42 @amai42
Lol well.. it's started the Final Arc and some new enemies are showing up. They seem to be Quincies from a long time ago.. and they want to end Soul Society, or along those lines. And they've invaded Hueco Mundo to get more followers and kidnapped Harribel, since she was the strongest Espada left.. Somehow Neliel and Pesche made it to the world of the living and found Ichigo.. and they took him and his friends (except Uryu who stayed behind for his own reasons) to Hueco Mundo where Ichigo and co. look for Dondachakka and find that Harribel's fraccion are alive, and fighting some guy.. But they are defeated and Ichigo jumps in to fight him.. and that's kinda it.. so far.. :)
(I'm horrible at explaining things.. so I'm sorry if some things dont make sense.. there's the possibility that I've left out details too lol ^^; )

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
I need some back up...Konachan and Black coyote are starting an uprising.

yukifeline @yukifeline
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yukifeline @yukifeline
wait huh?

mollikia @mollikia
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mollikia @mollikia
Pretty crazy, Getting ready to go back to school. How've you been?

fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
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fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
I read more manga than watch anime but I like ghost stories, nerima daikon brothers, black heaven, and some others.

zaada @zaada
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zaada @zaada
I watch practically all types of anime ^-^ Especially ones with guns >.> What about you? :3

Amai42 @amai42
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Amai42 @amai42
Well I've seen all of the anime online and I read the manga online as it comes out weekly. :) how about you?

Amai42 @amai42
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Amai42 @amai42
Hey. :)
I would have to say my favorite character is guy-wise: Grimmjow and girl-wise: Orihime.

yukifeline @yukifeline
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yukifeline @yukifeline
Kannazuki no miko, Rin, Strawberry panic, A channel, Girl meets girl. Those are all pretty good