zadiana @zadiana
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zadiana @zadiana
mostly car racing never played an anime game though

yukifeline @yukifeline
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yukifeline @yukifeline
Yeah, like the guy above your comment tried to tell you, yuri/shojo-ai is girl on girl and yaoi/shonen-ai is guy on guy

yukifeline @yukifeline
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yukifeline @yukifeline
Shonen-ai is "yaoi" without the ecchi. Shojo-ai is "Yuri" without the ecchi. Yay for gay anime! X3

yukifeline @yukifeline
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yukifeline @yukifeline
Hey. I mostly watch Yuri and a bit of shonen-ai but I have my share of everything. You?

fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
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fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
trinity blood is pretty awesome i have to buy more of the manga

fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
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fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
trinity blood is pretty awesome i have to buy more of the manga

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
Lesson 1: (Copy and paste this in Google)

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
Hows it going man ?

aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
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aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
well that sounds nice most men wont even listin im glad u do thank u for puting up with me ^w^

aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
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aloistrancynekomimi @aloistrancynekomimi
no not found anyone yet *sigh* tired or lazy bums and jerks in relationships trying to brake off a 2 1/2 yr one at moment its madning cus i still wanna be friends but be is making it hard iv gave him a yr to fix shit and he just hasent and im tired of waiting sorry u dont wanna here my crap -_-