SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
I had always thought for me to be happy I have marry a young woman and have lots kids like Mom and Dad. But I hated my mom and dad specially my dad they both failed me.
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
I also have no interest in having sex with anyone.
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
I think I belong to the LGBTQIA+ or LGBTQQIP2SAA community. I'm a 42 virgin and I haven't watched porn in more than decades I lost interest for it. I also lost interest in women I never really go on a date with anyone. I never really try to date anyone. I had tons online female friends and I had one female best friend. She was my coworker first we met in summer of 2012. She move back to New York 2020 cause that's where all her family live plus her boyfriend is from New York too.
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
My mom accidentally burned down the apartment we didn't have renters insurance or anything. I was pretty shocked up and angry about what happened since I was asleep when that happened. Now I'm only angry about it. This happened on first of February.
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
I'm homeless due to an bathroom fire in my mom apartment the fire makes it way to her room she lost everything plus their are more damage from the firefighter and water damage in the whole apartment and in room I have two computers and two monitors on the floor. I didn't have a chance to check everything but most of stuff were on the floor in boxes.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm sorry to hear about the fire, but I'm glad you both are alright
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta I adore techno / trance musics very much
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta I adore this songs from my favorite bands THE BLINK-182
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta
SPARTAN117 @princevegeta