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29 year old Female
Last online 9年以上 ago
volkner33 @volkner33 left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 24, 13 at 5:10pm
Its hard to have a positive outlook sometimes, but in the end it is worth it!! What do you think? And what part of OH are you in? Oh, and if you want to contact me faster... vknrpv@gmail.com is my email :)
volkner33 @volkner33 left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 24, 13 at 4:50pm
Thank you!! And AWWWWWW!!! That means a ton to me! If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here as well! Its the least I can do after what happened yesterday. A good friend of mine from high school committed suicide. That's why I'm sad. But I'm going to live on for him and I want to help people get through life now. That's what I feel my new purpose is.
volkner33 @volkner33 left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 24, 13 at 4:32pm
Eh... Sad actually... But that's a long story
Welcome to the site! U attend ColossalCon or Ohayocon?
volkner33 @volkner33 left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 24, 13 at 10:46am
How are you doing? And there are many people from OH here!!
volkner33 @volkner33 left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 24, 13 at 2:52am
Hello Fellow Ohioan!
Jun 23, 13 at 10:40pm
Yes you should
daveelric @daveelric left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 9:24pm
i can tell :) ive had my fair share of anime marathons ahaha So which one is your favorite?
daveelric @daveelric left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 8:08pm
hey, im dave, couldnt help but noticed all the animes you liked where some of my favorites :)
"you don't think so" or "no"? ( kidding, i am teasing you. ) Any way I'll catch you later and give you my impression of episode 1.