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29 year old Female
Last online 9年以上 ago
I know now. That was just my first impression when I saw your cane. Wait, you don't think your a furry? XD
Cool. I'll get back to you on how it goes for me today ( later or tomorrow. ) For some odd reason I thought you were a furry because of the name.... at first. ( I don't care if someone is or not, I am just curious. )
Oh nice! I actually have not seen that yet but it has been on my list forever. You might have just given me one more reason. Tonight or tomorrow I will start this xxxholic series!!! How good would you say the Anime vs the manga is?
giygas @giygas left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 1:31pm
I even confused myself! D: I've been awake for over 24 hours. The tournament I was watching Just ended. So I'm going to head to bed. Check your inbox for a message I'm going to send you.
Np, always good to see someone who is not boring. My name on the site was inspired by the Anime gurren lagann, may I ask what your name was inspired by? ( Also you can just call me Jake, or Jacob )
giygas @giygas left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 1:15pm
That sounds lovely. Only if it means I get to play with your hair from time to time, and by hair I mean your chesticles, and by chesticles I mean your golden flowing sunshine stands that sprout from your head. (Was that smooth?)
giygas @giygas left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 12:59pm
That is some bio you've got there. I'll use yours as a guideline. I'm pretty awesomotastic? I don't usually have a problem speaking to people as long as I can do it in English. I hate speaking spanish. I used to be in the Police Explorers for 5 years. It's basically police training for students still in jr. high and high school. I was also in baseball, and boxing at the same time. There isn't much outdoors activities that can be done here. You see. The Imperial valley was built in a desert. So if you want sand, and lots of it. Come on by! I'm deadthly afraid of roaches and crickets. I honestly feel like that want to eat my face off. Nothing else bothers me. My favorite color. I don't have one. I usually think it's one, but then I lose interest in it quickly and move on to something new. I used to go shooting with my dad before my parents got divorced. CoD is the only shooter I play. Pretty hyped for Ghost. I'm on PS3 though. Kingdom hearts is my real jam though. I love that game. Never played minecraft, but I didnt play Terraria. I'm not to fond of sweets myself, but I do enjoy making them. Just last week I made piranha plant cookies for my family. I made them into lolipops and stuck them into green pots so that they would look like real super mario plants. I learned it from someone I watch online. The dirt was actually brownie with crushed up oreo. I used to draw, and write a bit. I'm not great at drawing. I'm actually pretty bad at it. You can look me up on deviantart. Just search GiygasElite. I enjoy creating with my hands as well. I am trying to pick up spray paint art, and I'm doing those push pin projects. My favorite movie is a tie between the sixth sense and A.I. Favorite non anime show is probably batman beyond (animated). As for non animated. It's both LOST and Fringe. I've owned a couple of animals. Well. Not me. My family as a whole. I've only owned one dog. Sandy. Got her when I was five. She died when I was around 16 or 17.
welcome to the site. Interesting info ya got there.
giygas @giygas left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 12:17pm
It's what I do. I like to think of myself as a very learned individual. I enjoy learning. I think you'll like that. I'm very grounded, but very perceptive. So, Abby, tell me about yourself. What makes you You?
giygas @giygas left a comment for pipefox143
Jun 23, 13 at 12:07pm
I'm about to drop some science on you! The reason you like the song is because of it's very simple rhythm. Being one of those 3-4 chord songs. It's simplicity allows you to forget about the guitar and focus on the vocals. Which hits an octave that is very pleasing the the human ear. The complexity of this song lies within the singers. Yet they keep the song itself very simple. The simpler the song is the more addicting it turns out.