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ウィスキー @tenki
left a comment for
Piku the Pikachu
ウィスキー @tenki

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
left a comment for
Piku the Pikachu
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
best pokemon, also thks for the friend request

tearin @tearin
left a comment for
Piku the Pikachu
tearin @tearin

Hello! Greetings from the palest weeb there is!
MO Ohio Community Center

Piku the Pikachu @pikapiku
commented on
MO Ohio Community Center
Piku the Pikachu @pikapiku
Good rules, good luck enforcing them though
New here~

Piku the Pikachu @pikapiku
commented on
New here~
Piku the Pikachu @pikapiku
Thank you all ^o^