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Pierre Reynaud @pi3rre_reynaud
Pierre Reynaud @pi3rre_reynaud
Anyone from Derby or Nottingham ? :3

xxDarkRosexx @ellahudson
left a comment for
Pierre Reynaud
xxDarkRosexx @ellahudson
Heya~ :3
Start volleyball because of Haikyuu

Pierre Reynaud @pi3rre_reynaud
commented on
Start volleyball because of Haikyuu
Pierre Reynaud @pi3rre_reynaud
This is an update, I meet soo many people on this club of volleyball, they make you feel welcomed and most of them know about Haikyuu or have heard about it, so if you are in the same position as me, give it a go!
All you need is 20 seconds of insane bravery and something great will come out of it.
If anyone from the area reads this, join DarkStar.
Start volleyball because of Haikyuu

Pierre Reynaud @pi3rre_reynaud
Start volleyball because of Haikyuu
Pierre Reynaud @pi3rre_reynaud
I'm thinking of starting to play or at least try volleyball, I live in the UK (Derby).
Would be nice to know if someone has tried it before?
Been training a bit to be in shape, also if you are near and you see this message and you want to try :) send me a message or reply to this post and we can meet up!