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Dan @dan_sz
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Dan @dan_sz
I would love to talk to you sometime if you're ever around ^_^ I'm a big lover of JRPGs and Zelda I am a HUGE fan of.

jshowers @jshowers
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jshowers @jshowers
*dress break*

Drunk Otaku @otakusama
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Drunk Otaku @otakusama
Hiyaa ^^
New girl, here.

PhoenixSylph @phoenixsylph
commented on
New girl, here.
PhoenixSylph @phoenixsylph
Hello! Have you seen higurashi, mirai nikki?
Pupa, hungry imouto will be cominng out. Try the movie gilgamesh. Petite cossette is a great horror anime.
Good manga: godchild, nightmare inspector.
Hi everyone! ^u^

PhoenixSylph @phoenixsylph
commented on
Hi everyone! ^u^
PhoenixSylph @phoenixsylph
Nice to meet you!