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Phebe @phebe
Phebe @phebe
why did u come back to this hell hole
- me probably

papertaowel @papertaowel
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papertaowel @papertaowel
If you have chance, then I say yes. It is only one night out of the whole year so why not? I wouldn't let grades get in the way of enjoying a spooky night out... meanwhile I stay home and play video games haha

Phebe @phebe
Phebe @phebe
Should I go Trick or Treating? My mom forced me to get an XL size for my costume because that was the size that fit my bust size the best, but everything else is WAYYYY overly huge. The only part that fits is actually my bust size.. the sleeves are too long (that's not all that bad, though, we fixed it easily) but the shoulder size is too long, it looks like I'm wearing deflated shoulder pads ;-;
If you're wondering what I'm wearing, I got a Four Star Academy school uniform from the anime Aikatsu Stars. I honestly don't think my mom is going to let me go Trick or Treating anyway due to my kinda low grades xd
Last one to post here wins

Phebe @phebe
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Phebe @phebe

Phebe @phebe
Phebe @phebe
I like me some anime KACHOW XD
I guess I should say some simple stuff about me, lol.
- I currently study Japanese culture and language at my school.
- I'm a voice actor online on a website called Casting Call Club.
- My favorite type of anime is idol ;)
- I'm lesbian xd
Love me please I want to watch anime with someone
Aug 19-21
Aug 18-20
Aug 17-19
Panelist. Aug 9-11